Lamiaa El Fassi
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Lamiaa El Fassi                Associate Professor

Research Interests: Experimental Hadronic Physics

I am interested in studying the subatomic structure of strongly interacting particles, hadrons, such as protons and neutrons, the constituents of every atomic nucleus. This research is carried out at Jefferson Laboratory (JLab), Newport News, VA, as well as Fermi National Laboratory (Fermilab), Batavia, IL. My group is leading the preparation of a few upcoming 12 GeV CLAS (CLAS12, housed in Hall-B at JLab) experiments to unravel the Quantum Chromo-Dynamics (QCD) confinement feature of hadrons in terms of their elementary constituents, quarks and gluons, via the study of the hadronization and/or fragmentation processes that probe the dynamics of quark (or Color) Propagation and hadron formation in the cold nuclear matter (CP experiment), and the Color Transparency phenomenon; that is, the formation and evolution of small size configurations to regular hadrons (CT experiment), which collected data in the fall of 2023, as well as deciphering the effect of in-medium modifications of the transverse momentum distributions (TMDs) in nuclei (Nuclear TMDs in CLAS12 experiment). The group is also leading the artificial intelligence (AI) track reconstruction and particle identification for the comprehensive Low Energy Radial Tracker (ALERT) studies on light nuclei (4He and 2H nuclei) to investigate the partonic structure with Generalized Parton Distributions via (in-)coherent production and exploit the spectator tagging technique to explore several processes such as deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS), DVMP (deeply virtual meson production), and semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS).
Furthermore, the group has been involved in several JLab 6 GeV data analyses that aimed to study the DVCS off 4He in addition to the meson spectroscopy in the 4He coherent production (EG6 run-group experiment "internal wiki-page"), extract a high precision nucleon spin structure at very low momentum transfer to test various spin sum rules (EG4 run-group experiment "internal wiki-page"), and probe the time evolution of elementary configurations of the hadron wave function via the hadronization study of Λ hyperons, the first-ever SIDIS analysis with CLAS6 EG2 datasets; the EG2 run-group married two experiments, CT and CP. The latter provides a promising method to investigate nucleon and nuclear structure, construct a theory of super-dense nuclear matter, and disentangle the physics of heavy ion collisions that take place at high temperatures with the creation of a Quark-Gluon Plasma. The published results of SIDIS Λ electroproduction off nuclei in the forward and backward fragmentation regions will be further enriched once the 11 GeV CLAS12 CP experiment accumulates data in the spring of 2024. Besides the physics interest, my group successfully led the development as well as optimization of the CLAS12 drift chambers calibration and monitoring suite.

On the other hand, my Fermilab research focuses on the polarized, E1039, and unpolarized, E906, Drell-Yan (DY) experiments, dubbed as SpinQuest and SeaQuest, respectively. The former intends to extract spin-dependent quark and antiquark distributions of the proton and neutron and study the unique correlation of the quark-antiquark spin and angular momenta. In this project, my group is leading the effort of studying the poorly known gluon Sivers/Twist-3 transverse momentum distributions using J/Ψ production as well as the transverse polarization, or transversity, distribution, developing an advanced graphics processing unit (GPU) based multi-threaded framework that will allow an efficient parallelization of the online data analysis, maintaining the performance of two-station tracking chambers in the inherited SeaQuest spectrometer, and providing support to operating, maintaining, and servicing the cryogenic and polarized targets during the commissioning and data-taking of the SpinQuest experiment. While the latter aims to extract a more precise antiquark asymmetry ratio, study the quark propagation and energy loss effects in the cold nuclear matter, target nucleus, before the hard process, dilepton production, takes place, in addition to the measurement of DY cross sections from several nuclear targets to compare the sea quark distribution in nuclei to that in deuteron. This comparison will allow an examination of the previously published DY results, which showed no significant modification of the nuclear cross section for longitudinal momentum fraction, x > 0.1, unlike the "antishadowing" enhancement observed in the deep inelastic scattering and EMC experiments. The SeaQuest data will be able to address the question of whether the antishadowing region and the so-called European Muon Collaboration (EMC) effect (depletion seen for x ~ 0.5) exist in the Drell-Yan process.

Professional Background

Associate Professor Mississippi State University 2020 - Present
Assistant Professor Mississippi State University 2019 - 2020
Assistant Professor Bridge Position Mississippi State University/Jefferson Laboratory 2014 - 2019
Post-doctoral Research Associate Old Dominion University/Jefferson Laboratory 2013 - 2014
Post-doctoral Research Associate Rutgers, The New Jersey State University 2009 - 2013
Post-doctoral Research Scholar Rutgers, The New Jersey State University 2008 - 2009


Ph.D. in Experimental Hadronic Phys. Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco jointly with Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL 2008
M.S.  in High Energy Phys. Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco 2003
B.S.  in Nuclear Phys. Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco 1999

Curriculum Vitae

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Recent Publications

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Research Grants and Sponsors


  • PH-8111: Seminars and Colloquia (2020 Fall Semester - Present)
    Hybrid, F 3:00 - 4:00 PM
    Course description
  • PH-8213: Mechanics (2022 Spring Semester)
    Hilbun 152, T Th 11:10 AM - 12:25 PM (2021)
    Course description
  • PH-4223/6223: Intermediate Mechanics II (Spring Semesters of 2024, 2023 & 2021 - 2018 & 2016)
    Hilbun 250, M W 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM (2023)
    Hilbun 152, T Th 11:10 AM - 12:25 PM (2021 - 2016)
    Course description
  • PH-8613: Nuclear Physics I (Fall Semesters of 2020, 2018 & 2014)
    Hilbun 152, T Th 12:45 - 2:00 PM (2020)
    Course description
  • PH-2233: Physics III (Fall Semesters of 2019 & 2016)
    Hilbun 350, T Th 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
    Course description
  • PH-4213/6213: Intermediate Mechanics I (Fall Semesters of 2017 & 2015)
    Hilbun 152, T Th 9:30 - 10:45 AM
    Course description
Graduates Students



  • Nuwan Chaminda Gunawardhana Waduge (Thesis M.S. 2022)
    Project: "Calibration and commissioning of the Fermilab SpinQuest/E1039 experiment

  • Shirsendu Nanda (M.S. 2019)
    Project: "Calibration of CLAS12 datasets and CLAS6/CLAS12 data analyses"

  • Pubuduni Ekanayaka Mudiyanselage Egoda Walawwe (M.S. 2018)
    Project: "Study of the CLAS6 spectrometer operation and data structure"

Useful Links for Graduate School

Post-doctoral Associate


  • Vaniya Ansari (Ph.D. 2023, Aligarh Muslim University, Uttar Pradesh, India): 2024 - Present
    Project: Optmizing and maintainign the polarized-target and cryogenic systems for the Fermilab Polarized DY, E1039/SpinQuest, experiment as well as the study of the sea quark transversity distribution.

  • Mathieu Ouillon (Ph.D. 2024, Laboratoire de Physique des 2 infinis Irène Joliot-Curie – IJCLab): 2024 - Present
    Project: Developping and optimizing the AI-assited track reconstruction and particle identification for ALERT experiments, and analyzing the datasets of CLAS12 RG-D, CT & Nuclear TMDs, experiments

  • Utsav Shrestha (Ph.D. 2021, Ohio University): 2024 - Present
    Project: Optimization of GPU-based multi-threaded framework for online reconstruction and monitoring of the Fermilab Polarized DY, E1039/SpinQuest, experiment as well as the study of the gluon Sivers functions via J/&Psi production.


  • Mikhail Yurov (Ph.D. 2018, University of Virginia): 2022 - 2024
    Project: Developping and optimizing the AI-assited track reconstruction and particle identification for ALERT experiments, and preparing, commissioning as well as analyzing the datasets of CLAS12 RG-D, CT & Nuclear TMDs, experiments

  • Eric Fuchey (Ph.D. 2010, Université Blaise Pascal (Clermont-II) - Clermont-Ferrand, France): 2022 - 2023
    Project: Optimization of GPU-based multi-threaded framework for online reconstruction and monitoring of the Fermilab Polarized DY, E1039/SpinQuest, experiment as well as the study of the gluon Sivers functions via J/&Psi production.

  • Catherine Ayuso (Ph.D. 2020, U. of Michigan): 2020 - 2022
    Project: Developement of GPU-based multi-threaded framework for online reconstruction and monitoring of the Fermilab Polarized DY, E1039/SpinQuest, experiment as well as the study of the Transverse Single Spin Assymmetries via J/&Psi production.

  • Taya Chetry (Ph.D 2019, Ohio University): 2019 - 2022
    Project: Maintaining and improving the CLAS12 DC calibration suite along with the first-ever fragmentation study of Λ hyperons using the CLAS6 EG2 datasets

  • Hao Jiang (Ph.D. 2017, University of South Carolina): 2018 - 2019
    Project: Developement of GPU-based multi-threaded framework for online reconstruction and monitoring of the Fermilab Polarized DY, E1039/SpinQuest, experiment

  • Md. Latiful Kabir (Ph.D. 2017, University of Kentucky): 2017 - 2019
    Project: Developement of the CLAS12 DC calibration and monitoring suite, and the fragmentation study of Λ hyperons using the CLAS6 EG2 "Quark Propagation" datasets

  • Krishna Adhikari (Ph.D. 2013, Old Dominion University): 2014 - 2017
    Project: CLAS12 & BoNuS12 ("Barely off-shell Nucleon Structure") tracking and DC calibration software developement, and data analyses of the EG4 rungroup experiment

Honors, Achievement, and Press Highlights

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